A cornerstone of a successful intervention is the effective translation of evidence-based practices and research into actionable and sustainable practices. Yet, fidelity in the conversion of theory to practice is often difficult. Implementation research is an emerging, but not well understood field of research into the factors that affect the implementation and sustainability of programs. This field of research can yield important insights into the efficacy, quality, scalability, and adaptability of initiatives. Implementation research offers great promise, but the variety and fluidity of frameworks, definitions, and methodologies employed create unique analytical challenges. Presenters at this meeting will discuss what we can learn from implementation research, the role of community context and cultural diversity in implementation, measures and data collection issues in implementation research, study designs and analytic techniques, and next steps for policy and practice and for research.
The meeting will convene federal staff and researchers with an interest in improving the theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches utilized in implementation research. The ultimate goals of the meeting are to 1) provide a better understanding of the capacity of implementation research; 2) identify the promises and challenges involved in using such research; and 3) promote utilization and bolster support for implementation research.
Mark Greenberg, Administration for Children and Families
Naomi Goldstein, Administration for Children and Families
9:30 – 10:30
Kimberley Freire, CDC Division of Violence Prevention
Slide Deck: The Context and Case for Implementation Science
Karen Blase, National Implementation Research Network, UNC-Chapel HillSlide Deck: Community, Culture, and Service Contexts in Implementation Research
Luis Zayas, Center for Latino Family Research, Washington University in St. Louis
10:45 – 12:30
Carol O’Donnell, Institute of Education Sciences, Department of Education
Slide Deck: Advancing Implementation Science: Process & Outcome Conceptual Framework
Enola K. Proctor, Washington UniversitySlide Deck: Measuring Enactment of Innovations and the Factors that Affect Implementation and Sustainability
Jeanne Century, University of ChicagoSlide Deck: A Multi-Level Framework to Understand Factors Influencing Program Implementation in Schools
Celene Domitrovich, The Pennsylvania State University
1:30 – 3:30
Melissa Brodowski, Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families
Slide Deck: Models, Methods, & Measures: Examining the Adoption, Implementation and Sustained Use of Innovations in the Ohio Mental Health System
Phyllis C. Panzano, University of South FloridaSlide Deck: Assessing Organizational Context for Implementation Research
Gregory A. Aarons, University of California, San DiegoSlide Deck: Conceptualizing and Measuring the Effects of Curriculum in Classroom Settings: A Focus on Quality of Delivery
Bridget Hamre, University of VirginiaOkhee Lee, University of Miami
3:45 – 4:30
Administration for Children and Families & Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (Grant I)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Grant II)
Institute of Education Sciences (Potomac)
National Institutes of Health (NIDA & NIMH) (Ballroom)
4:30 – 5:00
Members will report out on small group discussion followed by questions and answers
9:00 – 11:30
Brendan Kelly, OPRE, Administration for Children and Families
Slide Deck: Conceptualizing Intervention Fidelity: Implications for Measurement, Design, and Analysis
Chris Hulleman, James Madison UniversitySlide Deck: Learning from Variation in Program Effectiveness and Implementation
Howard Bloom, MDRCC. Hendricks Brown, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Catherine Bradshaw, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
12:00 – 1:15
Molly Irwin, OPRE, Administration for Children and Families
Lauren Supplee, OPRE, Administration for Children and Families
Tammy Mann, Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute, UNCF
Naomi Goldstein, OPRE, Administration for Children and Families
Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research (JBHS&R)
Issue 4, October 2012
Abstracts available on http://jbhsr.fmhi.usf.edu/toc/39.html#39_4
Directions in Implementation Research Methods for Behavioral and Social Science
Molly Irwin PhD, MPH, Lauren H. Supplee PhD
Pages 339-342Measuring Enactment of Innovations and the Factors that Affect Implementation and Sustainability: Moving Toward Common Language and Shared Conceptual Understanding
Jeanne Century EdD, Amy Cassata PhD, Mollie Rudnick MS Ed, Cassie Freeman MA
Pages 343-361A Concept Mapping Approach to Guide and Understand Dissemination and Implementation
Amy E. Green PhD, Danielle L. Fettes PhD, Gregory A. Aarons PhD
Pages 362-373A Procedure for Assessing Intervention Fidelity in Experiments Testing Educational and Behavioral Interventions
Michael C. Nelson BS, David S. Cordray PhD, Chris S. Hulleman PhD, Catherine L. Darrow PhD, Evan C. Sommer BS, BA
Pages 37-396The Assimilation of Evidence-Based Healthcare Innovations: A Management-Based Perspective
Phyllis C. Panzano PhD, Helen Anne Sweeney MS, Beverly Seffrin PhD, Richard Massatti MSW, Kraig J. Knudsen PhD
Pages 397-416Examining the Association Between Implementation and Outcomes
Elise T. Pas PhD, Catherine P. Bradshaw PhD
Pages 417–433